
22 September 2020

Stay at Home Fun Board Games for Family Time


With more families staying inside due to the pandemic, making the most out of quality time spent together is extra important. What's great about family game night is you can put down the phones and connect with each other, building memories that will last. While it can be easy to get bored of the same indoor activities, consider revamping your family game nights with some new exciting games and puzzles!  



Puzzles are a great activity for family game nights because the whole family can join in on constructing a puzzle.  Puzzles are also beneficial due to the fact that they utilize the left and right side of the brain simultaneously, reinforce brain connections, and improve visual-spacial reasoning.  You can split the sections of the puzzle to be completed by each family member or work as a team!
With the vast array of puzzles out on the market right now you have many options to choose from.  If your family is looking for something fun and different, try a 3D puzzle!  Pictured above is a 3D planting puzzle by Etsy seller MoonMommyAtHome.  This puzzle is so unique because not only is it a fun 3D puzzle easy enough for little ones to help out with, it comes with actual soil and seeds to plant such as red radish!  Once your puzzle is complete you can then work with your children to plant the seeds and help them care for and watch their new plant grow!  



Board games are the go-to family favorite on family game nights.  To keep things fun and interesting it is great to have a variety of games available.  If you don't already own one, consider checking out pinwheel board games!  Pinwheel board games are great for all ages and allow players to move the board game pieces in conjunction with thought out, detailed moves.  They also help improve observation skills, following instruction, and with logical and critical thinking skills. One fun pinwheel board game that even the little ones can join in on is the Crocodile Pinwheel Board Game, also by Etsy seller MoonMommyAtHome.  
The Crocodile Pinwheel Board Game comes with 30 different board game sheets, ranging in difficulty from level 1 to level 30.  It also comes with 9 different wooden blocks that feature pipe drawings on them, designed to be rearranged by the players to help get water to the crocodile.  The game comes with an instruction booklet and answer sheet as well.  Have endless nights of fun playing this game as a family with the many different levels of difficulty you can work up to!

Be sure to check out MoonMommyAtHome's Etsy store to see her entire selection of fun games and activities that you can incorporate into your family game nights!

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