
14 July 2019

Tips for Selecting Flooring for Your Home

Whether you're considering new flooring for a particular room in the home or doing a whole overhaul of flooring throughout the house, there are several options to consider during the process.  After all, new flooring can be a decent expense and you will want to ensure that your choice in flooring is one that you can enjoy for years to come.  The following are some tips that can help you during the process of selecting new flooring for your home.

Flooring Options

When selecting flooring you have a variety of options available.  Choices can include carpeting, hardwood, ceramic, or vinyl.  Depending on the room that you are looking at for flooring options, there are several factors to consider.  Some considerations include the proposed flooring maintenance.  Is the room heavy traffic?  If so, certain flooring may need to be kept up more than others such as hardwood which can collect visible dirt and will need to be swept and mopped regularly.  Consider hardwood flooring that is stain resistant and sealed to block out moisture.  If you are going with carpeting in a high traffic area you may want to opt for a darker tone.  White carpet will show dirt and stains easily and may not be the best option for a room frequently used and in a home with pets.  Look at your options and decide which flooring is going to the best for the area in your home.

How Long Will It Last?

Depending on the area's foot traffic, flooring can last a variety of time depending on the type of flooring and it's quality.  Carpeting typically needs to be replaced anywhere from every 5-15 years.  Investing in a high quality durable carpet will help to extend it's life.  If your carpet has high traffic it will probably need replaced somewhere in the 5-8 year mark.  Hardwood flooring can last much longer.  High quality hardwood flooring can last up to 25 years, making it a preferred choice for many.  If you're looking for your flooring investment to last, hardwood flooring is a great choice!  As with any flooring, the care you put into your flooring from the selection to the installation and upkeep, will greatly factor into your flooring's lifespan.

Instillation of Flooring

Another consideration is going to be the installation of the flooring.  If you're a handy DIY'er this may not be a major point of concern.  For others without experience installing flooring it may be best to seek out a professional to do the job.  When looking at your budget you will want to factor in installation if you are going this route to ensure that you can budget in this expense.  A good idea is to call around and do your research for flooring installation.  Does the company have good reviews?  Do they offer a free estimate?  If you're in North Carolina you can contact the Carpet Store in Raleigh, North Carolina or the Chapel Hill NC Flooring Store to both shop for flooring and get help with flooring installation.

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