
25 June 2019

Zero Waste Reusable Unpaper Towels

Summer is here, school is out, and it's time for some fun! Unfortunately for parents, a lot of that fun leads to messy spaces and sticky faces. You probably find yourself reaching for paper towels more from June to August than any other time of the year - I know I do! But did you know that 51,000 trees are cut down DAILY to make paper towels? Isn't that insane?!

If everyone in the United States used just ONE less roll of paper towels a year, we would save 544,000 trees annually! It's a simple switch to make, and I've found some adorable, reusable unpaper towels at that make going green fun! Snap buttons let you hook them together, so you can roll them up onto your paper towel holder for quick access. Just use, wash, and reuse again and again! 

You can save trees and money when you switch to unpaper towels! Pick up your set today at

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