22 March 2019

Informative Health Podcast for Moms

Keeping up on the latest tips, trends, and information regarding health for you and your family is now easier than ever!  The Highway to Health Show by Dr. Ernesto Gutierrez MD is a brand new podcast aimed at tackling important health related topics including family health, women's health, anti-aging, nutritional supplements, as well as popular diets like Keto and Whole30.  Dr. Ernesto's goal is to make health information accessible and easy to consume.

In addition to his background as a trained physician, Dr. E also has additional degrees in Age Management and Restorative Medicine.  Also known as "The Stem Cell Guy", Dr. E has over a decade of experience in the field of stem cells.  One of his biggest passions is being an educator.  That is why Dr. Ernesto Guiterrez launched his Highway to Health podcast to give people a place they can come for their health related knowledge, without spending hours researching topics online.

Take a Listen to Dr. E's Introduction Podcast from Highway to Health!

Previous podcast topics have included stem cell therapy, skin care, and facial rejuvenation.  Hear from guest healthcare experts as well that lend their expertise to the conversations.  Dr. E has a lot more exciting topics in the works for his upcoming podcast episodes so you don't want to miss out!

If you're interested in how to tune into the Highway to Health podcast it's really easy to do!  You can listen to Dr. E's podcast through Google Podcasts or Apple Podcasts.  Have your own question for Dr. E?  Check out the Dr. E show page and you will find how to send him your question through Messenger for a chance to win a free video consultation with him!  

Connect with Dr. E on social media:

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