03 October 2016

7 Self-Care Activities That Won’t Break The Bank

If a thesaurus was honest, the first synonym you’d see for “mother” would be “busy.” Between home, work, school, and everything else life throws at you, your average mom can totally forget to take time for herself—not good! Self-care is not only important for your own well-being, it’s important for the overall function of your family. These seven little ways you can incorporate self-care into your life are not only simple, but they’re inexpensive—so no excuse!

  1. Schedule that doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off.

Or dentist, or dermatologist, or eye doctor… You know you do it! When we talk about “self-care” the things that come to mind are normally the enjoyable ones (get a manicure, meditate, cook a healthy meal…) But sometimes, self-care means doing the things you’re not as excited about. Sure, nobody likes seeing the OB-GYN for their annual checkup, but you need to do it. Getting the appointment made is half the battle.

  1. Re-read your favorite book

If you’re like me, you probably chastise yourself at least once a week for not reading enough. I find that the problem isn’t that I don’t like reading, it’s that the material I select isn’t captivating enough to not make me want to put it down. Fall in love with reading again by revisiting your favorite book. Find comfort in its familiar phrases and get back into the habit of turning a few pages a day.

  1. Go outside

If the day is nice, take the kids outside for a little sunshine. Instead of seeing the time as a chore, practice mindfulness and appreciate everything your senses experience. Are the leaves changing? Can you smell the smoke from a neighbor lighting their fireplace for the first time? Taking the time to be in the moment will help you feel more centered and appreciative of what you have.

  1. Write a letter to a loved one

Not an email—an old-fashioned, hand written letter! We so often forget how connecting with our roots makes us more grounded (pun intended.) By reaching out—and showing how much you care by taking the time to actually write and mail a letter—you’re reestablishing a bond and helping strengthen your emotional network.

  1. Do a light, at-home work out

I know, who has the time to go to the gym? Instead of beating yourself up for missing your yoga class (again), take 15-30 minutes to yourself while the kids are watching TV to do a simple home workout that will get your body moving. I like to find easy, free YouTube tutorials (check out the options on the Fabletics YouTube channel) so I’m constantly changing it up and challenging myself.

  1. Start a rainy-day fund

This is the opposite of an expense! I think it’s pretty obvious that saving money is a great way to provide yourself with self-care, so why are you putting it off? It can be as simple as dropping your extra change into a jar or you can download a finance app to calculate how much you can afford to set aside a month for your Roth IRA. Large or small, saving money in any amount is smart.

  1. Clean out your closet

Do you really need that cocktail dress you wore once hanging in your closet nowadays? Are those leggings worn out in more than one place? Give your closet a quick purge and you’ll be more inspired by the things you hold on to. Donate your old duds or set up a clothing swap with some of your friends. You may clean your home every day—but this is time dedicated to YOUR space. 

Disclosure:  This is a guest post.

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