
29 March 2016

Busy Mom? How To Get A Little Bit Of "Me Time"

Life as a mom can get so hectic and chaotic. Especially with four girls. However, that is no reason not to get a little bit of time for me. I think all moms need a little “me time” every now and again. Of course, these days that me time isn’t sat lazing around a spa drinking cocktails all day. It’s about getting snippets of time as and when you can. It’s seeing an opportunity and grabbing it with both hands. I thought I would share with you some of the ways I try and snatch a bit of time for myself to recharge my batteries. 

 Photo Credit: Flickr

Get some products that are just for mom.

Many times you have to share your bathtub with the toys or use the kids bath essence. Well, I am saying while that is alright for a short-term thing, it’s nice to get some products that are just for you. Some new moisturizers, bath creams and scented candles that smell divine. These are the things you can whip out at a moment's notice to just relax. Australian fragrance brand Aromabotanical have a wonderful collection.

A nice hot bath

When the children are all tucked up in bed, this is the perfect chance for you to have a little time to yourself. This could mean running a nice hot bath and having a good long soak. You can put some of those products to good use and relax in the aromas. A hot bath can be all it takes to recharge your batteries and feel human again. Being a mom can take every bit of energy from you, so make sure you take care of yourself.

A moment with a hot drink, a magazine or good book

Maybe the kids are at school, or you just have a bit of time if they still nap. Use this time to your advantage. I appreciate you may have chores to do or errands to run. But if you just take ten minutes to yourself to enjoy a nice drink and have a read of something that interests you. You won’t believe how refreshed you will feel that you will probably get just as many chores done if not more.

An at home facial

This isn’t as posh as it sounds. It’s taking the chance to pop on a face mask and relax while it does it’s thing. Or concentrating on your skin by giving it some TLC. It may not be as relaxing as having a facial in a beauty place, but you will see the benefits. When we look good, we feel good. So taking care of yourselves is one of the best ways to boost your confidence.

Paint your nails

When you have freshly painted nails, you instantly feel better about yourself. It doesn’t take long to do but can be an instant mood lifter. You could get up a little earlier and do them then, or use your evening after that relaxing bath to give yourself a little pamper. These things don’t need to cost you a lot of money.

Most important of all taking time for yourself gives you the opportunity to take care of yourself. If you are a happy contented person, then you are a happy contented mom. The kids get the best of you when you are feeling at your best. So invest in the time to make that happen. 

Disclosure:  This is a contributed post.

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