
26 December 2015

How to Remove Mold after Water Damage

Mold is a smelly, ugly and dangerous nuisance that sticks to shower tile, drywall, siding and damp wood in any spot. Mold is a health hazard, as it releases spores that trigger allergic reactions and irritating odors. If you see a little bit of mold forming somewhere in your home, take action immediately. Mold grows quickly and can potentially cause long term harm to you or to your home. The good news is, mold is easy to take out with simple cleaning products. Click here to find out more about water damage or continue reading the article.

1. Identify it as mold

The most common household mold - Mildew - is easy to identify. It begins as small black spots that can often grow quickly when left unchecked. You’ve probably seen it on the tile wall of a shower. To distinguish between mold and dirt, place a few drops of bleach on the dirty area. If, after two minutes, the bleached area turns lighter in color, you have mildew. If the area stays dark, it’s probably dirt. 

2. Extract the moisture

In order to stop the mold from growing, you must remove all moisture from the affected area. Place a dehumidifier in the room to speed up the process. (Hint: be sure not to let the holding tank water sit for too long. Toss it in the sink as soon as it fills). Open all windows and turn on ceiling or stand-up fans to keep air circulating in the room. 

3. Clean, clean, clean

The next step requires a lot of cleaning. The walls and floors must be cleaned first. Pull out the carpet or take any damaged rugs outside to soak in the sun. Remember to wear protective gear when working around mold and cleaning chemicals; in this case, you should be wearing a respirator gas mask, protective goggles and rubber gloves. Mix together one cup of bleach with a bucket of warm water; use that solution to mop down the floor and wipe down the walls with a rag. Once that dries, go over the walls and floor again with a solution of warm water and liquid disinfectant. Repeat this process every 2-3 days until the mold goes away. 

Next, in order to clean the damaged wood surfaces such as tables, chairs and bookcases, pour a little bit of denatured alcohol into a rag and use that rag to wipe down the wood surfaces. Allow the alcohol to dry, then spray with disinfectant. Finally, move on to your upholstered or fabric furniture. Take any washable fabric items and wash them in the hottest possible temperature your washer will allow. Take upholstered items outside and brush the mold spores into the air. Leave the upholstered furniture in the sun all day to kill the mold. Afterward, use a vacuum to remove dead mold spores from the furniture. 

While we don’t doubt you have the skills and the know-how to tackle a pesky homegrown fungus, if your home does fall victim to significant water damage resulting in severe mold infestation, it is recommended you hire a mold remediation specialist to take care of the problem. If you do, make sure to hire someone insured and properly licensed.

Disclosure:  This is a sponsored post.

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