
02 October 2015

My Guide to Getting Your Child Into the Best School

As parents, it’s only natural that we want our kids to get the best education possible. We want to give our children all the best opportunities in life, and we know that to do that a first-rate education is crucial.  

If your child is starting school in the next couple of years, it’s vital that you start thinking about the school that they will go to. Many of the best schools have long waiting lists, so the sooner you can get your child on them, the better.

 Photo Credit: Flickr

To help you get your child into the best local school, here are all my top tips:

Speak to other parents

At the park, daycare or at work, speak to other local moms about where they send their children to school. A good way to find out about all the best schools in the area is simply by asking around. As well as asking for recommendations, also ask for tips for places to steer clear of.

Ask each parent that you meet where their child goes to Montessori school and ask them why they picked that specific school. Use the notes page of your smartphone to write down the names of the best schools and the information about them.

Do your own research

Once you have got recommendations of a few different schools, research them. Visit each school’s website and look at the curriculum and the class sizes on offer. As a rule, the smaller the class sizes, the better.

Post on local mom’s groups, such as on Facebook, and ask if anyone can give you any information about the schools you are considering. Ask for both good and bad feedback, so that you can get an idea of which establishment would be best for your child.

Visit each school

The next step is to visit each of the schools you are considering. As well as attending a school tour and an open house event, also pop in during a science fair or concert. Attending a school event will give you an idea of the way that the school works - you can see the school community in action.

Ask lots of questions at the interview

When it comes to choosing the perfect school for your child, attending an interview at each of your favorite schools is important. This is your chance to ask any questions that you might have about the school or the style of teaching.

While it can be a good idea to take a question list to the interview with you, don’t rely on this list alone. As you are talking to the panel, any questions that pop into your head, ask them. The important things to ask are questions like, how bullying is dealt with. As well as what you can be expected to do as a parent of a child at the school - many schools require parents to act as governors.
Your child’s education is important, so it’s crucial that you follow the tips above to ensure that they get into the best school.

Disclosure:  This is a contributed post.

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