
13 October 2015

How to Make a Business from your Crafts and Creations

If you’re a naturally creative person, and have a talent for making useful things, you may be able to become professional and make money from your skills. However, you need to know how to start a business and promote yourself and your work to be successful.

So the first question is – will people want to buy your products? If you regularly make things for yourself, have given away handmade gifts to friends and family and have even been asked to create something for someone you know, then the answer is probably yes. Whether you have a talent for sewing and dress making, make unique cards and stationery or embellish luxury wedding accessories, with a few tips you can turn your hobby into a home based craft business.

Go Pro

If you want to be viewed as a professional in your field, then you must have the professional tools you need. Think about taking out a small business loan or dipping into your savings to make sure you start as you mean to go on. This probably means buying a business laptop or tablet and converting a space in your home into your office or studio. The it’s time to stock up on all of the craft essentials you’ll need, including strong industry-grade glue (like the renowned E6000Glue), crystal elements, specialized tools and professional storage solutions.

Have a Plan

Starting a creative business is just the same as any other – you need a business plan. As an entrepreneur you’re responsible for setting out your goals and action plans and managing your budget. Also do some industry research and write down which blogs you’d like to featured on and the places you’d like to be stocked in. Aim high!

Stand Out Online

It’s great that you want to start a craft business but be warned – there is lots of competition out there. Whatever you are making, there will be ten more established businesses making the same thing. This is why a strong virtual presence is essential. You’ll probably start out selling on Etsy or eBay, but you can still have your own website. Your own social media channels are incredibly important too – make sure you are sharing relevant content which your target audience will engage with.

Attend Craft Fairs and Industry Events

Even if you only plan to sell via e-commerce, you should still consider having a physical presence at events and exhibitions. It’s a great way to make connections and source potential buyers for your products. Hosting a competition is an effective way to get people to sign up to your newsletter, and you could also meet other like-minded business owners and form a potential partnership. It’s all about promoting yourself, which is essential when you own your own small business.

If your crafts and creations have received a good reception from friends and family, then you can make it into a business. It may take time, and you might not be able to quit your full time job straight away to run your business from home, but you have all the tools you need to succeed.

Do you have any more tips for launching a creative business?

Disclosure:  This is a contributed post.

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