
25 September 2015

The Writing, and Drawing is on the Wall

There’s nothing quite as satisfying as being able to write, draw, make a big mess on the wall, without any consequences. When creating a kid’s room flexible, smart furniture arrangements are essential when it comes to encouraging curiosity and play. The wall is another great area of opportunity that might easily be overlooked. Turn one of the walls in your child’s room into a giant chalkboard and they’ll have a new place to write, draw, and learn just like in the classroom. Smaller chalkboard configuration will work just as well and can add something special to the feel and style of the room.

How to create a chalkboard wall

Chalk paint is very easy to purchase, most paint shops and home improvement centers will supply it. The best part is that it comes in many colors, so if you’re not in to traditional black a rainbow of choices await. Use paint tape to frame the part of the wall you wish to dedicate to your child’s doodling. Make sure they can reach it! Once the paint has dried a frame can tell a child where the drawing stops. If you’d prefer there are easily washable paints, buy them from the same place you got your chalk paint.

How not to make a mess

Chalk is dusty and once the wall is being enjoyed as a free-form stream of creations your child’s fingers will match the colors they used. This might lead to a crisis as your living room furniture finds itself in the path of colorful destruction. Not to fear, well mostly, a low dust chalk exists and it will minimize mess. If you prefer, a large white board could be framed into a wall space, and in the company of no-mess pens you’ll have nothing to fret over. If the thought of mess is all too much to handle, find your old Etch-a-Sketch!

Making a mess on the wall can be great fun, just make sure it’s the wall you choose. Remember to not overlook the wall, any place to be creative is a great place for a child. 

Disclosure:  This is a contributed post. 

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