
08 September 2015

Help Your Child Get Into Better Colleges With These Methods

College is a major concern for a lot of parents. They want their kids to get into good ones to ensure they have a bright future ahead of them. Knowing what they can do to help that happen isn't so easy. You only have so much influence over what your children can and wants to achieve. Their future is ultimately in their hands, but there's still plenty you can do to give them a leg up. You can give your children the best chance of getting into a good college. Here are some of the things you can do to try and improve the likelihood of it happening.

Start Early

Getting your kids into a good college starts early. The longer they spend underperforming at school, the harder it will be for them to pull themselves back up. You don't have to make sure you put your child in the most exclusive private preschool you can find. But helping to nurture their skills and interests from an early age will help them later in life. This could involve reading with them, enjoying music together or learning a second language. However, it's important to find a balance between encouraging them and hothousing them. You don't want them to crack under the pressure before they reach kindergarten.

Encourage Extracurricular Activities

A lot of colleges want to see that your child is a well-rounded individual. Academics are important, but admissions will also look at their other achievements and interests. You can encourage your children to do things outside of school. It could be volunteering or pursuing other interests. Their school will have things on offer, whether it's band practice or soccer. But you can look for things outside of school too. Extra-curricular activities will help your child work out their passions. So it will be easier to decide on their next move after high school.

Get Expert Advice

When it's finally time to apply to colleges, applications can be a struggle to get through. Every college is looking for something different. Most will take everyone as undecided majors. Others, such as art schools, may expect you to choose a particular degree. To help your child tailor their application, you can seek advice from an Ivy League consulting firm. They have experience getting students into top colleges in the USA, Canada and the UK. They can provide assistance for writing essays and creating an application that stands out from others.

Let Them Follow Their Passion

Although you probably have aspirations for your child, it's important not to pressure them too much. Ultimately, forcing them to pursue a path that they don't want will not make them happy. Encouraging them to have a passion and enthusiasm for what they do will help them to achieve their goals. If they wish to pursue an individual subject, colleges may want to see that they have a genuine interest in it.

If you want your children to get into good colleges, give them lots of encouragement. With any luck, they will take control themselves and reach for the best.

Disclosure: This is a contributed post.

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