
23 September 2015

Dealing with Your Child When They Are Bullying Others at School

There is nothing worst than getting a phone call from someone who claims your child has been bullying others at school. In most instances, the teachers or principal will get in touch to raise the issue. That is a good thing because it shows they act accordingly when they have concerns. You’ll probably feel terrible about the situation, but you shouldn’t be too hard on your child. Just follow the steps listed below.

Speak to them about the situation

Sit down with your child and let them know the school has been in touch. You can then let them tell you their side of the story. It’s critical that you don’t judge them before you’ve heard their version of events.

Explain why they shouldn’t bully others

Most children don’t fully understand the concept of bullying. That means your kids doesn’t realize how much of an effect they’re having on their classmates. Considering that, you need to explain why bullying is a bad thing. You also need to show them what can happen if a person is bullied for a long time. There are plenty of news articles you can use to highlight the seriousness of their activity.

Work with the school to come to a solution

It’s easy to blame the school of the situation and feel frustrated that they are punishing your child. However, you must cooperate during the entire episode. Stand behind their decisions to put your kid in detention. Also, make sure they know they have your support.

Nobody wants to believe their kid is a bully, but lots of parents have to deal with the same problem. So long as you rectify the situation, your child should grow out of the habit pretty quickly.

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Disclosure:  This is a contributed post.

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