
18 August 2015

5 Green Baby Care and Cleaning Tips

From feeding your baby to singing himself/herself to sleep, there are plenty of responsibilities associated with your bundle of joy. One of them is cleaning. As a loving and caring parent you want to use the safest and healthiest cleaning solutions to get rid of bacteria and dirt around the home. However, store-bought cleaners are usually quite toxic. For this reason, it's best to think about some green alternatives. Keep reading to find out how to keep your baby's belongings sanitary and clean at all times with these five green cleaning tips.

1. Baby's Belongings

Having a baby is a great time to start using baking soda for cleaning rather than for cooking. You can use baking soda for nearly anything when it comes to cleaning your bundle of joy's personal items. Take changing tables. They need to be cleaned and disinfected regularly. With a solution of plain water and a little baking soda you can do the trick without putting your baby's health at risk. Additionally, use the white powder to clean the mattress and crib. Just sprinkle a little baking soda on them and wipe down with a wet sponge. Then rinse with a clean wet sponge and let dry.

2. Brushes and Combs

Push the sink stopper and fill your sink with water. Add a squirt of liquid castile soap or a teaspoon of baking soda. Let the liquid/powder dissolve into the water. Soak the brushes and combs into the water. The next thing you want to do is rub the items with a toothbrush or swish them around. Rinse with clean water and dry.

3. Toys

Soak rubber toys and non-cloth toys in a solution of water and natural soap or baking soda and let stand for a while. Rub well with a clean sponge and rinse. Let dry.

Toss stuffed animals in a plastic bag and add as much baking soda as necessary to cover all of them. Close the bag and shake a few times to allow the baking soda to get to all toys. When you are done, take a handheld vacuum and remove the white powder off the toys.

4. Baby Bottles

The quickest way to clean your baby bottles is to use a little baking soda and warm water. What you should do is fill all the way with water and add a teaspoon of the white substance. Shake well and let sit for a few more minutes. Go back to it and rinse well.

Another way to do this is to use mild soap. Try liquid castile soap. It's natural and harmless. It's great for your small one. Use a brush and clean the bottle as usual. Let dry completely.

5. Baby Laundry

With a baby around, dirty clothes keep piling up. It is important to clean and wash your baby laundry properly to protect your small one from harmful microorganisms. Add a spoonful of vinegar to the detergent department of your washing machine when washing your baby's clothes. This will keep bacteria and germs at bay. If desired, you can also use baking soda. Just make sure to add ½ cup of baking soda along with the laundry detergent before you run a full cycle.

If you experience spit-up stains, be sure to sprinkle baking soda over them as soon as you can to make them easy to clean. Toss them in the washing machine and let it do the trick.

This nature-friendly cleaning kit is perfect for keeping your baby's items dirt-free, hygienic and smelling fresh. Top Domestic Cleaners Hammersmith hopes this article was useful.

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