
02 July 2013

WaterAid: Building Better Futures in Madagascar with Taps and Toilets

Photo Credit: WaterAid

This summer you can both both follow along and help join WaterAid in making a difference in Madagascar where currently WaterAid is changing the lives of schoolchildren in the area and building a brighter future for them simply by helping to provide them with much needed taps and toilets.  Without the proper access to clean water and sanitation, diseases and death can occur.  In fact, "every year 13,000 children under five die due to water-related diseases" (WaterAid).  

WaterAid is recognizing this need is Madagascar this summer and invites you to follow along as they help transform the futures for the 12,000 schoolchildren in this area this summer.  Through the help of donations WaterAid is hoping to reach their goal of 150 taps and 100 toilets in a total of 31 schools by the end of this summer!  You can help WaterAid reach their goal by donating here.  Any amount you can donate is very much appreciated.

Be sure to follow @WaterAidAmerica to hear the latest updates!

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