
06 June 2013

Top 5 Family Traditions That Everyone Will Love

Family traditions are those special events that happen again and again in your family. Whether they're as simple as Sunday breakfast or as elaborate as a summer lake house visit, these regular events create a sense of routine and give everyone something to look forward to. Create some special traditions in your family to give everyone something unique to bond over.


Preparing Meals Together











Image via Flickr by Brad Greenlee

Set aside one night a week to always enjoy the same special meal. Make this something that everyone in the family can prepare together. Homemade pizzas are a fun option that allow for lots of creativity. Older children can prepare the dough while younger kids fill bowls of toppings. Everyone can create their own pie. A taco bar, hot dog bar, salad bar, or burger bar can work similarly. Pick a meal you all love and make sure each person has their own special role in the meal preparation.

Outdoor Excursions


Getting out of the house becomes a family tradition when you repeat the same type of trip year after year. Head to the beach to celebrate the beginning of summer, take a family hiking trip just before school starts again, or make it a routine to go sledding at the first big snowfall. From leisurely walks to fast-paced excursions on K2 rollerblades there's an activity to suit any family. Whatever you do, make sure you associate the event with a date or occasion that happens regularly.

Reading Together

Reading together as a family is a wonderfully enriching activity that's enjoyable at any age. Older family members take turns reading aloud while the younger ones listen. Choose family friendly books or book series that appeal to all age groups. Though the youngest participants may not fully appreciate the experience at first, they can still play quietly and experience this special time with everyone. Transitioning from a listener to a reader is a special rite of passage the family can celebrate.

Celebrate the Holidays in Special Ways


Holidays naturally fill themselves with certain traditions. Create a few that are specific to just your family. Go caroling together in winter, have a family pumpkin carving contest for Halloween, or make a special Fourth of July ice cream treat every year. Rather than changing things up and trying all new activities every year, choose a few favorites that you'll return to again and again. Something like making ornaments or greeting cards will also give you mementos that chronicle the years.

Create Special Birthday Activities


Birthdays are a special time when you can celebrate each member of your family. Invent some fun ways for the birthday boy or girl to get a little extra attention on this day. Prepare the guest of honor's favorite meal, put candles in birthday morning pancakes, or fill the birthday person's bedroom with balloons. Traditions like these give each family member something special to enjoy on this day.
Family traditions will give your children something to look back upon fondly in years to come, and may even inspire some lasting routines that will live on for generations to come.

Author Bio:
MandiRogier writes regularly on family and travel topics. Many sites and blogs feature her pieces including eHow and USA Today's Travel Tips.

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