
28 May 2013

Tips For Starting College

 Photo Credit: Tulane Public Relations via Compfight cc


You have just graduated high school and are now ready for college. You have waited your whole life for this time of your life. You finally get the freedom to learn the subjects that appeal to you most. It is also a great time to socialize and start a network that can last beyond your college career. Pack your bags and get excited for your first year of college. Get ready to have some fun, get homesick, meet a new roommate, and learn to manage your time. College is full of brand new experiences, but you don't have to go into it blind. Here are some tips to help you get through your first semester of college.

Be Prepared For The Roommate 





Some people love the idea of having a roommate. Others dread it. Lets face it. If you don't already have a friend going to the same college as you, you are going to end up with a random roommate. You could get lucky and score a new best friend. You could also end up with someone who forgets to shower and put away their dirty clothes. You never know what will behind your new dorm door, but you will have to live with them. Do your part to make the living experience enjoyable. Clean up after yourself. Stay quiet at night. Be courteous to their wishes about guests. If your roommate starts causing problems and talking with them isn't working, go to your RA to find out a solution.

Get Involved



College is a clean slate. It may seem lame to go to school hosted events, but there are many people in the same boat as you. They are looking for friends and people to socialize with in the coming years. Don't be shy. Get out there and go to the events organized by your RA. It may be awkward. It may seem silly, but everyone else around you feels the same way. This is the perfect opportunity to loosen up and get to know your fellow classmates. Who knows, you might find your next best friend there!

Go To Class



This may seem like a no brainer, but a lot of people will skip class just because the teacher doesn't take attendance or have quizzes. Just because no one is watching over you like a hawk, doesn't mean you should skip out on your classes. You are paying your professors to teach you! Be there and learn. It may seem boring, but you never know when you might learn something interesting. If you can, get to know your professor. Prove that you are there to learn and become a better person. They may give recommendations when you enter graduate school or could even be a reference for a future job. Show that you are willing to put in the hard work and dedication by being at every class. You will thank yourself when you graduate with a solid GPA and land yourself a good job.

About the Author: Andrea is a blogger for Smith Monitoring, a home security company providing security systems in Austin. Andrea specializes in writing about college life and pets.

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