
09 May 2013

Make A Donation This Mother's Day In Honor Of Mom

This Mother's Day how about honoring Mom with a gift that could potentially save another mother's life?  The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation would like you to help them celebrate their 25th anniversary this Mother's Day by helping them raise enough funds to allow 2,500 women to get tested for HIV.  With this gift of knowledge, that's 2,500 women that could start treatment if they were to be found positive.  That also means the possibility of women having babies born HIV free with this kind of knowledge!  That's one powerful gift!

This Mother's Day you can make a donation on behalf of your loved one for $19.  You will also be able to send your loved one a beautiful e-card with your donation.  This enables one woman to be able to get tested for HIV.  Find out more about donating today here.

Don't have the money to donate.  Don't worry because you can still help spread the word!  Simply copy this message and tweet it out and/or post it on Facebook to share with friends and family.


This Mother’s Day, make a donation to @EGPAF in honor of your own mom that could save a life.

* Disclosure:  This post was written on behalf of my partnership with Mom Bloggers for Social Good and Global Team of 200.  I received no form of compensation for this post.  It's all for social good!  :)

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