
19 May 2013

5 Reasons Your Child Should Have A Car

 Photo Credit: State Farm via Compfight cc

Every parent cringes at the thought of their teen learning to drive and getting out on the road. They think about all the potential trouble they could get into and what they might be able to get away with that they couldn't before. They worry about their teen's driving ability as well as the ability of the other drivers on the road. In the end, though, most of these parents wind up teaching their teens to drive, or having them go to a driving school to learn the valuable life skill. Although it is natural for parents to fret about their child growing up, they may underestimate the personal growth and positive life lessons a teen learns by owning a car and relying on driving themselves as their primary method of transportation. The opportunities for self improvement that come along with this new and exciting transition are a stepping stone on the road to maturity. After this article you'll want to start looking into new car finance offers to prepare.



Although it isn't a lesson, one reason why it is a good idea for your teen to have a car is the convenience it will add to your life. You won't have to tote them to school and back, drive them to practice, take them to friends' houses or any of those other chores parents so often get stuck with before their teen learns to drive. Along the same vein, teens will no longer have to worry about accepting a few extra hours at work or wondering if they can actually get a ride to play practice to participate.



When a teenager has a car of their own, they can learn to be an independent person. If they need to run to the store to get a book for school, a supply for a project or some other item that seemed to be utterly essential to obtain immediately when you were the one driving them around, they can do it themselves. Teens who might not otherwise have had the opportunity can start working at an after school job or participate in community activities.



Parents are often afraid that when teens are given a car, they will display the opposite of this trait. However, setting boundaries regarding curfew and having the teen pay for their gas money and car insurance or earn it by picking up younger siblings or running errands can turn this attitude around. A teen can quickly realise that their car is a tool, that it costs money and that responsibility is a must when using their vehicle.



We've all experienced lousy drivers on the road who cut people off, make rude gestures or speed away in anger. By teaching your teen to be a calm, polite driver, they will quickly learn that being courteous on the road can often lead to other drivers extending the same courtesy. This lesson can easily carry over into their social life.



Before your teen learns to drive, you may be concerned about how they're getting around. Public transportation full of strangers can be intimidating, walking alone can be unsafe and riding in a car full of other teens whose driving skills you don't know is downright terrifying. By teaching your teen to drive carefully and understand the rules of the road, you can be assured that their method of transportation is a safe one.

Mandy is a stay-at-home mum with 2 children in primary school, in her past time she loves to garden, travel, cook and write blogs for other stay at home mums and anyone with similar interests.

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