
07 March 2013

No Kid Hungry Campaign

Did you know that nearly 16 million kids in America live in homes where it is a constant struggle to get food onto the table?  That's breaks down to 1 out of every 5 kids that don't get the adequate amount of their daily needed nutrition.  Free or reduced priced school lunches are at an all time high with 9.8 million children getting some of their daily needs met from this program, but there are still 10.6 million eligible kids that go without.  What can we do to help change these statistics?  How can we help to ensure that no kid goes hungry?

The No Kid Hungry network works together with communities to help provide solutions to getting healthy and nutritious meals to the children that need them.  They also help provide families with the education they need to be able to stretch their food budgets while still allowing room for healthy meals to be provided.  The No Hungry network cannot do this without the help and support from generous donations and endless hours of volunteer support.  

Ways you can help support No Kid Hungry:

* Spread the word - Urge elected officials to help protect access to healthy food for children who need it the most.  Send letters at the local, state, and national level!

* Host a Great American Bake Sale - Team up with your community and organize a Great American Bake Sale to earn donations for the No Kid Hungry Campaign!

* Make a donation - Make a donation to No Kid Hungry or even consider asking for donations for No Kid Hungry for your upcoming birthday or special event!

* Disclosure:  This post was written on behalf of my partnership with Mom Bloggers for Social Good and Global Team of 200.  I received no form of compensation for this post.  It's all for social good!  :)

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