
06 February 2013

Celebrate Playgrounds With Kaboom!

It all starts with a playground!  One of the simplest joys in a child's life is playing and Kaboom is a non-profit organization dedicated to bringing playgrounds to children everywhere so they can have a safe and enjoyable place to play.  Through volunteers and donations, Kaboom is able to make the dream of playgrounds in communities everywhere possible.  Kaboom also connects communities with current grant opportunities and help with the steps to make the dream of a playground a reality.  Those interested in making a donation to Kaboom can do so here.

Right now Kaboom wants to get everyone excited about play with their current giveaway going on right now!  All you have to do is share a photo of a playground you love and you will be entered to win some fantastic prizes.  Three grand prize winners will each receive a set of 2 Buddy Bounce Balls and five runners up will receive a copy of the book "Go Out And Play!: Favorite Outdoor Games From Kaboom!  You can submit your entry for a chance to win here.

Connect With Kaboom:

* Disclosure:  This post was written on behalf of my partnership with Mom Bloggers for Social Good and Global Team of 200.  I received no form of compensation for this post.  It's all for social good!  :)

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