
28 January 2013

Which Dryer is Best for My Clothes?

Even if your morning routine focuses more on picking out clothes in a hurry -- rather than making a major fashion statement on a random Tuesday morning -- you still want to look good.  But if you've got the wrong clothes dryer sitting in your laundry room, your outfits will never looks as good as you want them to.
So, how do you weed through the near-endless array of dryers and pick the best one? Here are few tips to help you:

  1. Be On The Lookout For Autosensing Technology
    Today's clothes dryers are getting smarter and smarter.  Some of the really good ones come with autosensing -- meaning they can tell what kind of fabrics you've loaded and adjust their heat setting and drying time accordingly.  That way, your clothes don't have to spend any more time in a hot dryer than necessary, which is a great way to make them last longer!

  2. Get As Many Settings As Possible
    If you can't afford one of the dryers with autosensing, you need to look for one with the next best thing -- a variety of heat settings.  Every dryer will come with a couple of settings, but the more you can get, the better.  That way, you'll be able to customize the heat used to meet your clothes' exact specifications.
    How many should you look for?
    The good dryers will come with 4 or 5 settings.  They'll also focus on certain fabrics -- like delicates and cottons.

  3. Make Sure It's Big Enough
    If you've got a family full of little leaguers, a tiny washer and dryer isn't going to cut it!  Luckily, Fisher & Paykel has a dryer that can help.
    In fact, each Fisher & Paykel dryer  has at least a 6.2 cu ft. capacity -- even the top-loading ones, which is rare.

  4. Save Space With Front-Loading Dryers
    If you've only got a small laundry area to work with -- instead of a spacious laundry room -- you can stack your washer and dryer so that they take up half the space.  That way, you won't have to settle for compact machines.
    Plus, front-loading dryers are usually cheaper, so you won't just be saving space -- you'll be saving money, too!

This guest blog was written by Olivia Slamut, home appliances enthusiast and green energy advocate. Please have a look at Fisher&Paykel site for more tips on home appliances.

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