
02 January 2013

5 Tips for Dealing with the Death of a Loved One

 After losing a loved one, it can feel as if the whole world has stopped, and nothing will ever be the same again. If a person was especially close to their loved one, they may even feel guilty about trying to move on with their life. When coping with loss, it is normal for a person to feel a mixture of emotions such as grief, anger and guilt. In some cases, such as a death preceded by a long, painful illness, survivors may also feel a sense of relief. However a person may feel, it is important to know these feelings are normal, and the time it can take to recover from grief can range from days to even many years. Here, are five ways that are effective for helping a person to deal with the loss of their loved one.

Keep a Journal

Talking about losing a loved one can sometimes be hard. However, many people find that writing about their feelings can be an effective way to release many of their emotions in a safe and non-threatening way. A person may choose to keep a memory journal that details their favourite moments with their loved one. They may also chronicle their daily activities as a way of moving on. Young children can also benefit from this method by keeping a picture journal filled with drawings of their loved one.

Meditations and Relaxation

Finding peace after a recent loss often requires a person to look deep within them to find their own place of quiet acceptance. Stilling their mind through meditations and prayer can be helpful for reaching this place of peace. There are several different techniques that can be used to induce a state of relaxation. These include visualization, massage and spiritual practices such as prayer. A person can choose the one that works the best, and make time each day to remove themselves from the stress of their loss.

Maintain a Routine

After a loss, it is easy to fall out of routine. Many people forget to eat, sleep and maintain their normal routines when they are grieving. Being hungry and overtired can contribute to negative emotions. Therefore, a person should remember to take care of their basic needs during this difficult time. Maintaining a routine can also create a feeling of normalcy that can be calming after a recent loss.

Hold Off on Major Changes

Sometimes, it may seem as though a major change is needed to get over a loss. Many people quit their jobs, sell their home or even leave a marriage out of the need to escape from their grief. Often, this leads to regret once a person has found a way to move on. Instead, a person should wait for several months before making any serious changes in their life.

Be Patient

Grief is a complicated process. Many people may feel a need to rush through their grief and resume their former lifestyle. They may feel pressured by concerned friends and family to move past their grief. However, it is essential for a person to recognize that grief may take awhile to process. Although a person’s life may never be the same, by taking the time to work through their grief, they will be able to emerge from this process stronger and with a beautiful memory of their loved one.

Vincent is a Funeral Director from Brisbane, Australia. He provides these tips for people who have recently experienced the death of a loved one to help ease their pain. He also recommends taking out funeral cover so that your family aren't troubled with unexpected funeral costs.

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