
15 December 2012

Preventing Maternal Mortality With Maternity Worldwide

Every two minutes a mother dies giving birth.  This Christmas you have the power to save a life by sponsoring a safe birth through Maternity Worldwide.  Sponsoring a safe birth costs $24.25.  The site is in British Pounds, but the cost I just listed would be the cost in U.S. currency.  The Maternity Worldwide website will automatically convert your donation for you in your country's currency during the checkout process.  You also have an option to sponsor an emergency cesarean for $80.84.  These are both gifts that will truly last a lifetime!

Please help me in spreading the word about Maternity Worldwide, because no mother should die giving birth.  Each of the sponsored options listed above come with an option to personalize your gift, so if you have someone left on your holiday list to buy for then consider buying a safe birth or emergency cesarean in their name!   The maternal mortality ratio is 240 per 100,000 births in developing countries, compared to only 16 in developed countries.  Your donation will help to save more mothers worldwide.  Please consider retweeting or sharing this post on your social media to help spread the word!

Connect With Maternity Worldwide:

*Disclosure:  This post was done on behalf of my membership with Mom Bloggers for Social Good and Global Team of 200.  I was not compensated in any way for this post.  It's all for social good!  :)

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