
12 December 2012

FamAlert Provides Peace Of Mind For Your Family In The Case Of Emergencies

FamAlert is providing families with peace of mind when it comes to emergencies with their unique service. When you sign up for FamAlert you set up a list of emergency contacts.  FamAlert will then provide you with a unique emergency number to give out to your family, friends, children's school or daycare, etc. that will be able to run through your list of emergency contacts until someone is reached - with just one unique phone number!  You simply give your unique phone number out to whomever may need it and they only need to call that one number to gain access to your emergency contact list.  If the first contact doesn't answer, FamAlert will move on to your next contact and so on and so forth.  It's a service that is simple and provides families with comfort knowing that someone will be reached in the event your child or loved one has an emergency.  Learn more about this unique service by watching the handy video below.

I recently signed up for FamAlert to see just how this service works.  Child safety is very important to me, and with four young girls I want to be able to insure that someone can be reached in the event of an emergency.  Signing up for the FamAlert service was quick and easy!  I was given a unique local phone number to give out as my emergency number.  Then I proceeded to make a list of emergency contacts for the number to call through.  When you add an emergency contact you can easily verify each number is working correctly with a test call or verification code sent to that particular number.  This ensures that you added the number correctly into the FamAlert system.  What I'm really excited about is the future technology updates coming soon to Fam Alert that includes conference calling, text messages, and call transcripts!  I have already begun to give out my new unique emergency FamAlert phone number and I can now relax knowing that if an emergency does occur, someone will be reached quickly and easily.

Right now FamAlert is offering a 30 day risk free trial of their service.

You can also use coupon code: BLOG20 to receive 20% off your first 3 month subscription or annual subscription.

Connect With FamAlert:

Disclosure:  “I participated in a campaign on behalf of Advertise For Bloggers for FamAlert. A free trial and promotional items have been provided in exchange for my review.  Regardless all opinions are my own."

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