
19 November 2012

What's On The Menu For Thanksgiving - Plus Recipe Links!

Are you as excited for Thanksgiving as I am?  Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday!  I love getting the whole family together for a great meal and fantastic company.  What's on your menu for Thanksgiving this year?  Below is what I will be cooking, along with links to the recipes in case you want to try these dishes too!

1) Turkey - This one I think goes without a recipe link!  I will be cooking mine in the oven.  How do you cook your turkey?

2) Twice Baked Potatoes - This year I am skipping the traditional mashed potatoes and am opting for my family's favorite twice baked potatoes!  Recipe:

  Photo Credit:

3) Green Bean Casserole - A recipe by Kraft that I make every Thanksgiving.  It's not the traditional crispy onions on top, instead it is topped with stuffing for an interesting twist on a classic dish!  Recipe:

 Photo Credit:

4) Cranberry Sauce - Always a favorite staple!  Recipe:

 Photo Credit:

5) Stuffing - I will be making a regular stuffing with chicken broth for the family and I will be making a vegetarian version with vegetable broth for myself.  Recipe:

6)  Salad - Here's another one that I think goes without a recipe link.  I love salad as a side dish option!

 Photo Credit:

7)  Rolls - Warm homemade rolls really make the Thanksgiving meal!  Recipe:

Photo Credit:

8)  Chocolate Peanut Butter Pie - Another recipe by Kraft I make every year and is a huge hit!  Yum!  Recipe:

 Photo Credit:

9)  Pumpkin Pie:  Gotta have the Pumpkin Pie!  Recipe:

Share your  holiday menu by commenting below!  If you have recipes links to share I would love to see them!

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